I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and you are looking forward to a special holiday with Family and friends. The winter chill is in the air here and I have put together a Fabulous Healthy Great Tasting Meal for these cold nights. I guarantee this recipe WILL BE a HIT and you will want to make it many times and hopefully add it to your regular favorites.....IT IS THAT GOOD! In fact, head on over to page 40 of the December issue of Natural Muscle Magazine and try it tonight. I look forward to your feedback.
Have a Merry Christmas and Stay Healthy!!!
Darla Leal, LCPT, LCMT

Hi Readers....
I hope you are doing well, getting healthy and Staying Healthy!!! The September issue of Natural Muscle Magazine is now available so please check out page 40 for another Stay Healthy recipe. All the tools are given to you and it is YOU that needs to love yourself enough to take advantage of the gifts I am providing to you. My desire is to reach out and help as many people as I can get healthy and Stay Healthy!!! Today is a new day and always the RIGHT time to START taking control of your life and being the BEST YOU for a LIFETIME. Also included in this Blog post is my recent article about truly LOVING yourself. It is not to offend, but to open your eyes and realize the importance of your health. Take good care and Stay Healthy!!!
The Links:
Stay Healthy!!!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT

Hi Readers!!!
How are you doing on your nutrition??? Are you starting to eat the Stay Healthy way? All the tools are right here in front of you....so take a minute, STOP WATCHING TV (see my fitness challenge), dash to the grocery and try some Stay Healthy Stuffed Peppers for Dinner. All the recipes I am providing for you are created by me, taste tested by me, and I GUARANTEE that you will absolutely LOVE the flavors, textures, and aromas coming from cooking the foods, and enjoy the wonderful tastes from a healthy home cooked meal.....nothing gets better than that. Take some time for an after dinner walk when you are done eating and really treat yourself to some quality "ME" time. The August issue of Natural Muscle Magazine features my Stay Healthy Stuffed Peppers on page 40.....Pull it up and let's get cooking!!!!
Enjoy and Stay Healthy!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT

Hi Readers!
Enjoy a fabulous breakfast with me by checking out the July issue of Natural Muscle Magazine. My Stay Healthy Steel Cut Oat Recipe is featured on page 46 along with an article I included that is a MUST read.
Stay Healthy!!!!
Darla Benfield, LCPT

Hi Everyone!!!
I hope the Spring Season is motivating you to get healthy and Stay Healthy!!! Check out Page 46 of the May issue of Natural Muscle Magazine for a quick and refreshing meal in the form of a Strawberry Orange Protein Shake. In just 10 minutes, you will have a fabulous nutrient filled healthy shake that tastes absolutely refreshing. I hope you are taking the time to read over the Stay Healthy recipes and are trying some of them. I am giving you the tools and it is up to you to utilize the gift. I wish you all the best of health for LIFE.
Stay Healthy!!!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT
Hi Everyone!!!
I hope you are trying some of my Stay Healthy recipes and enjoying the fabulous tastes of eating for a healthy lifestyle. They are so easy, taste fabulous, and just what you need to get healthy. Nutrition plays such an important role in staying healthy......so no more excuses...I am giving you the tools!!! Try some Stay Healthy Fish Tacos tonight on page 48 of the April Issue of Natural Muscle Magazine!!!
Stay Healthy!!!!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT
Hi Everyone!!!!
Did you get a chance to try the Stay Healthy Roasted Brussel Sprouts??? Check out page 48 of the March issue of Natural Muscle Magazine and cook up a side tonight!!!!
Stay Healthy!!!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT
Hi Readers!!!!
Brussel Sprouts have never tasted soooooo good!!!! My Mom used to fix brussel sprouts for me when I was small and I have fond memories of these small cabbage looking cruciferous vegetables. I have modified the recipe by roasting them which provides a remarkable crunchy outer texture and delicious soft center. The key benefits of brussel sprouts include anti-cancer properties due to their high phytochemical content. They are also high in fiber, are a good source of folate, vitamin C, and iron. Let's get to the kitchen and cook up this power packed side of sprouts tonight!!!!

1 lb Brussel Sprouts
3 Tblsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Johnnys Garlic Spread & Seasoning (or spices that you like...pepper, oregano, thyme, basil..just to name a few)
Heat oven to 375 degrees
Prepare a cookie sheet by covering with aluminum foil (easy clean up)
Wash, drain and cut the stem ends off all the Brussel Sprouts
Place Olive Oil in a bowl and sprinkle with 1 tblsp seasoning (or spice of your liking), mix together like a salad dressing
Roll each brussel sprout in oil mixture and place on the cookie sheet
Do not waste the sprout leaves that have separated, coat those and place on the sheet for a crunchy treat
Bake for approximately 40-45 minutes or until the outer shell is nicely browned
Remove and Enjoy!!!!!!
Stay Healthy!!!!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT