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Heat It Up Darla!
OH MY…the first day of summer is here with a whopping 103 degree temperature to say HELLO…loud and clear.  First…I am not a heat girl…meaning…I do not like to hang out in the sun, baking my body up to beef jerky.  I do not like the overwhelming feel of heat and breathing that hot air…well...YUCK.  I am also a firm believer of not working in heat above my body temperature…I am not into shocking my body to work extremely hard to keep my body in thermo balance…it is very taxing on my physiological self, besides the feeling of OMG…this feels NOT GOOD.  I listen to that, and another way I maintain my healthy self.  I do HEAT IT UP in my studio when the heat is up outside.  What do I mean by that…well…as I exercise, my core body temperature increases…and my body know just what to do with that…my thermo switch gets turned on and  produces fabulous sweat to keep me at my perfect body temperature .  Think about that…WOW…the body is absolutely amazing.  It is very important during this very hot time of the year for me to drink plenty of water.  I am a water girl….I carry water everywhere and do not go to bed without it by my side.  I am a gallon girl as well….probably more…especially during the summer.  I also hydrate when I Heat it Up every 15 minutes during my workouts.  Hydration occurs from the inside out…and my body soaks it up…LOVE IT…my skin and hair are evident of a well hydrated body.  I do not allow myself to feel thirsty or get a pasty mouth…YUCK…do not like that feeling.  Feeling thirsty is the body’s way of saying…HEY…you waited too long to give me water.  I love to Heat It Up though…the feeling of sweat pouring off my body as I workout makes me feel like I am really doing something fabulous.  Some may say YUCK…I say…Heat it Up and Bring the Sweat…I tease my clients sometimes and let them know they are getting a free facial…my gift to them…gotta laugh and have fun with exercise.  Heating it up means my body is being challenged in a way that will maintain my physique and the added sweat bonus says…Right On Darla… you are working and I LOVE IT.  It also gives me a feeling of empowerment…YES, it truly does and sweating through the process fires me up even more.  The exercise endorphin rush is a high that boosts my metabolism for several hours post workout and provides a feeling of well being throughout the day.  So, when I say Heat it Up…I am not talking about the weather…but how I increase the core temperature of my body through my fitness program that maintains who I am today….all the benefits: I burn major calories, boost my metabolism, give myself a positive endorphin rush, feeling of well being for my day…and My Free Facial…that is an added Heat It Up Bonus…time for some Water!!!

Motivation of the Day: Give a Good Sweat from a Heat It Up Workout a Try….Come On!!!

Biceps Today!

My Workout of the Day:
ARC trainer: 45 minutes
Body work Stuff:
Leg extensions 25lbs @ 100 reps (1x through with breaks)
Leg extensions 25lbs @ 100 reps (1x through with breaks)
Modified Smith Triceps Press 10lbs on bar to fail (1x through)
Standing Biceps Curls 10lb dumbbells to fail (1x through)
Abs on Bosu @ 100 reps
Cobra to fail

My Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee half/calf…2 cups today…wanted it
1-Mango Blueberry protein shake…the works (hungry this morning)
2-Post Workout Shake…the works (satisfying body demands)
3-Egg Whites in High Fiber Wrap (Boiled a dozen this morning)
4-Gotta have my Vanilla Whey Protein Balls mixed with flaxmeal, raisins, cinnamon
5-Watermelon (studies show boosts libido…YES…I talk about everything) & palm of walnuts
6-Grilled b/s chicken breast, tomatoes and onions

Cookie Dough Fun!!!

Splurge report:  made fabulous homemade chocolate chip cookies with my step daughter, Bianca for Father’s day…we used special dark chocolate chips and fresh from the oven, topped with vanilla ice cream…we all said…YUM!!!!

Check out this fabulous dinner I had the other night @ 10pm...YES...I eat healthy at all hours! Grilled Shrimp & Catfish dusted in spices with my favorite Spinach Cranberry Apple Walnut Salad!!!
Grilled Jumbo Shrimp & Catfish, Spinach Salad


Stay Healthy!


My Quiet Time is a MUST for my Stay Healthy Life
I needed my interval timer clipped on my body this morning...OMG….I really had to push this morning.  I am my OWN motivation and is that hard sometimes…HELL YES!  I may be a trainer, but also a person that sometimes needs a kick in the bootie when I am having a sluggish…oh my really…not today day.  This was one of those.  I have had a really busy schedule that has kept my mind switch turned to the ON function with little breaks….squeezing ME time in here and there…let me tell you it has been a juggle the last few weeks…just sayin.  Do I remain determined…YES…why…I make my health a priority…it is important to me…however…I did take a relax time early this morning with my one cup, outside on my lounge to enjoy the quietness of the sun coming up and meditation.  I had drifted from that very important part of my life…my quiet time where I contemplate, talk with God, journal things, and just start my day off with a “Right On Positive Attitude”….30 minutes of fantastic clear the clutter, relieve some tension, and just being and breathing.  I recognized that I was in a GO GO GO mode…and I needed to turn the OFF switch on for awhile.  Do I feel absolutely recharged…YES….boy did I need that…I was thinking…what the heck Darla…something is missing…my quiet time was it.  My life is about balance and taking time to smell and taste the coffee had taken a backseat for awhile…but no more.  Today marked my being back on track with meditation time…YEAH!   Off to the studio after that…however…still HARD…it truly was one of those days.  YIKES, YUCK…I do not like workouts like this…but I DO NOT LET MYSELF DOWN.  Timer clipped to my sports bra helped BIG time…WHY…I did not have to think about counting reps, and with every sound of the timer, I switched up my exercise…FABULOUS!!!  For me, it felt like I had my own personal trainer telling me to MOVE IT DARLA…hit that next exercise and keep going.  I knew I couldn’t stop until I heard the beep…NOW…after a few one minute intervals, I have to admit…it got easier to be “IN THE WORKOUT”…I persevered all the way…was I happy it was over….YES…and this girl felt very ACCOMPLISHED today.  I was able to complete my ARC for 30 minutes plus 20 minutes of pushing myself through one minute interval bursts.  I did not even write out my program…just created as I went along…this was also important this morning because I did not have to pre-plan…I just needed to show up…so I truly felt like I was being pushed by my own personal trainer …OK Darla…do negative pull-ups…squats…cross-over lunges..repeat other leg…jacks…lunge backs…step ups…get your bootie back on the pull-ups…on and on I went until the whole series of intervals was complete….I WAS A SWEATY MESS.  Thanks Darla for kicking my backside…it was a tough one… I DID IT!!!

Motivation of the Day:  Don’t Give Up On Yourself…Life DOES NOT Hand You More than You Can Handle…Promise!
My Workout of The Day:  YIKES
Post Workout...Interval Timer a MUST Today!
ARC trainer – 30 minutes

One Minute Intervals repeated 3x
Negative Pull Ups
Sand Bag Swings
Sand Bag Squats
Reverse Lunges repeat other leg
Jumping Jacks
Bench Step Ups repeat other leg
Cross Over Step Ups repeat other leg

Meal 2 ~ lunch size plate!
My Nutrition of the Day:
Me & My Coffee early morning, outside ~ FABULOUS
1-Post-workout shake
2-Brown rice with Beans topped with Salsa, Yogurt, Avocado
3-Egg Whites & Stay Healthy Sweet Potato Fries
4-Protein Balls
5-Grilled Mahi Mahi with Grilled Tomatoes & Onions
6-Undecided…depends on time of meal 5



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I am dedicating this Blog to my Stay Healthy Fitness Boot camps.  I recently hosted one for a charity event for the C2BU, Courage to Be You Organization.  Let’s talk about boot camps…Why oh why, me oh my, that label…I mean really…it sounds like down in the dirt, give me 100 push-ups, whistle blowing, body crunching, kill my body, not so fun fitness…does it not?   I have to laugh at that because I get asked so many times if I will be able to do the exercises, is it really hard, I don’t think so, I am intimidated, no-way…I mean look at you for crying out loud.  OK…STOP already.  I can’t speak for other camps who may adhere to the “no pain kill my body no gain” philosophy… but I will tell
you this….I give to my SHF Boot camps the same attentive training as I teach in my studio to my clients.  I lead a progressive workout and every body works at their level of fitness…OH MY…never never would I put a newbie through a workout not suited for his/her level…that would be negligent and really…I would never see the participant again…YIKES.  I am a fun fitness girl, teacher, trainer, and motivator…now put all that outside and that makes for a fun combo of….. I 
am going to get a great workout time!!!  The beauty of outdoor workouts…in my book that is
what a boot camp is defined as….is enjoying being outside, changing up the routine, supplementing a current workout program, and meeting new fitness friends…now the day just started off fabulous…don’t you agree? There is something about using the different textures of ground…grass, decomposed granite, and asphalt that brings out even more endorphins….it is such a free feeling to exercise outside.  Do I watch my participants like a hawk…YEP…I ensure proper form, technique and all the goodies that a trainer provides a client….I pull no punches to ensure the safety of those I am teaching.  So….just because it is a boot camp that cost only $10 per class, does not mean I skimp….NO WAY.  That is not my way and never will be….My passion is to spread the Stay Healthy life to as many people as I can and this is another fabulous avenue to do just that. That means…quality time and quality workout.  Besides, it is also a learning experience…who wants to start out doing an exercise incorrectly and possibly being injured by that move…NO WAY….what fun to learn it right, do it right, and benefit from the fabulous body benefits…I say that is RIGHT ON!!!  So…do I yell…YEP…do I laugh…YEP…tell corny jokes…YEP…ensure everyone is having FUN…HUGE YEP…do I demo and correct form….YEP….offer modification suggestions…YEP.  Is it a Fabulous Workout….OH YEAH!!!  It would be fabulous to be able to bring my Boot Camp sessions on line to everyone of you….HMMMM…OK…Darla back on the SHF Boot camp track…the details…now drum roll….the Boot camps are only $10 per camp…YEP…I believe in affordable fitness for everyone!  No contracts and hosted EVERY OTHER Saturday starting June 18 and EVERY Tuesday evening starting June 21 .  Get in touch with me for attendance to the Boot camps and ensure a spot on the Stay Healthy Roster.  Lots of Fun, Fitness, Motivation…and a Fabulous Workout to Boot…no pun intended…you know me…good for a laugh!!!

MOTIVATION OF THE DAY:  Time is Often Wasted Sitting on Our (fill in the blank!)

Love to ARC!
My Workout of the Day:
ARC trainer: 35 minutes
Body Stuff, repeated the cycle 3x
Low rows 35lbs @ 30 reps
Leg Extensions 25lbs @ 25 reps
Hamstring Curls 25lbs @ 25 reps

My Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee, one cup please
1-Pre-workout shake
2-Post-workout shake (I used sweet potato)
3-Spinach Salad with Protein Balls 4-100% whole wheat pasta & b/s chicken
5-Grilled white fish & veggies (Yum!!!)




Stay Healthy!


Love My Melon!
 Yes…I absolutely love my melons…juicy, firm, and with a good thump…PERFECT!!!  That was quite an opener….but now that I have your attention…I really do love my melons…WATERMELON specifically.  Now where did you think I was going with this…of course I do love my physical self…but I am talking about what I put in my face to maintain the person I am today.  I was doing some research for my Natural Muscle Magazine submission about…drum roll…Watermelon…and OH MY…I think I am going to eat the whole thing  I am a fruit girl…along with so many other healthy foods…but today I am sharing my love for watermelon.  When I was a girl, my Mom would buy those huge watermelons, cut a round, put it on my plate…and how fun to sit outside on the porch enjoying such a juicy sweet treat and the best part…seeing how far I could spit the seeds…YES...I am young at heart…forever will be.  What a fabulous memory.  Fast forward to today…I still love watermelon and have discovered the many health benefits that my body receives when I eat my personal size slice or two or three…OK…you get the picture.  Did you know that watermelon aids in energy production and fat loss….WOW…studies show this.  This caught my immediate attention…fire up the blender for watermelon protein shakes…no kidding, my post workout shake today will contain this fabulous stay healthy fruit.  Watermelon is rich in B vitamins necessary for energy production and magnesium, not to mention electrolytes that help keep my body stable as I sweat my bootie off in my studio. The antioxidant value is impressive, especially lycopene which eats up free radicals (crap in our system) reducing the risk of many diseases…that is another RIGHT ON!!! Check this out…reduction in heart disease, colon cancer, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and prostate cancer (listen up men out there).  Watermelon also contains a special amino acid that helps to remove ammonia from the body…so bring on the healthy PEE…YES… I go there! A fruit that naturally aids in energy production and fat loss, is fat free, high in water content, is sweet to eat, and everything that says Stay Healthy…OK…that is going to be in my face on a daily basis for awhile.  With wonderful fruit like this to eat…why turn to any fake burners, pills, powders for any quick expensive fix…THAT DOES NOT WORK…sorry, but true. Personally, I do not throw my money away on any fake promises, but fuel my body with the healthy foods necessary to keep my physique lean, strong, sexy and overall healthy….does that mean I will go and thump a few melons…YEP YEP YEP…and let me just share that I bought my melon for 97 cents.  Now, that is a bargain for my Stay Healthy Body….not hard to weigh that one out…expensive fake promise not proven to work non-food items or save a butt load of money proven studied health benefits through my melons…WELL that is NOT a hard choice….I CHOOSE MY MELONS!

Motivation of the Day:  Eating Healthy is Necessary for a Stay Healthy Life

My Workout of the Day:
My New Modified Me Smith Leg Press

Arc trainer: 20 minute Interval Training

BodyWork: repeated cycle 3x
Sand Bag kettle style swings 50 reps
Low rows 35lbs @ 30 reps
Modified pull ups on the smith bar 10-15 reps
Bicycles (ab work) 50 reps
Modified Smith Leg Press 50lbs @ 50 reps

My Nutrition of the Day:
(Watch the Video)                

Coffee, one cup
My Watermelon Side Dish!!!
1-Post-workout shake (watermelon)
2-Powered Up Oats
3-Shredded B/S chicken breast & ½ cup brown rice
4-Cherries & protein ball
5-Lean turkey burger wrapped in Lettuce
6-Protein Pudding

Watermelon Post Shake...YUM!

Stay Healthy!

Me and My Protein
It really is a fabulous relationship…chemistry is so important when it comes to that.  What is also important is breaking those relationship bonds…YIKES.  How can that be good at all…the chemistry I am talking about is the process of what food turns into when it hits my face…my relationship with food.  What it comes down to is the simplicity of the calorie and me.  Do I count them….NO…but eating my 5 to 6 meals per day in small portions keeps me in the ballpark of where I want to be every day.  The Law of Thermodynamics says this…whatever is not burned as energy is stored…that is it people.  It is truly that simple. So, when large portions of food are hanging over plates and made up of high calorie fat laden items….look out energy storage…when excess calories are consumed the body converts what is not used into FAT stored on the body…OH YUCK…some would like to get more colorful than the YUCK word.  Also….I hear stories about the snack grabs…going to the pantry and grabbing a handful of this and that…snack snack snack..and usually on CRAP…guess what…calories in the face not burned through physical activity add up…BIG TIME!  Look at this example…let’s say you take in 2000 calories per day but are only burning 1500 calories per day, that means an excess of 500 calories are left over which are placed in the fat storage body bank.  There are 3500 calories in one pound of fat, so on this course of eating, a person would gain one pound of fat every 7 days…that is 4lbs of fat per month.  Can you see how this adds up…can you see how this works.  So do I sit around eating out of boredom, without reason, and just because it takes good….Hell to the BIG NO.  If you look at the simple chemistry behind it, and realize every morsel placed in the face is a calorie ready to be converted to another form of energy in the body….that in itself can be the motivating factor to knock it off, and take control of the chemistry relationship with food.  I eat to live and not the other way around….I have shared this before.  I maintain a fabulous chemistry balance with my food in (energy) and energy out (the physical activity) which keeps me at a maintenance weight.  Now if I consumed too much over several days…guess what…I would gain…Not what I want to do.  I ensure that my food choices are not heavy calorie laden with lots of veggies, fruits, lean protein, and healthy fats.  In fact, I eat as many veggies and as much salad as I want at my last meal….over half my plate are the greens.  My lifestyle with eating this way is as natural as breathing so it is not hard for me, and is key to maintaining my physique.  I never plan to count calories ever again in my life…been there done that years ago…it is a pain in the bootie….however for newbies wanting to get a handle on food intake….I feel journaling it for awhile is great accountability until the Stay Healthy lifestyle is completely adapted.  The Food Administration just developed a new food pyramid guide…the dinner plate…and I love the simplicity of the visual… a long time coming and it covers my philosophy on food intake pretty well.  The point I am strongly making is that weight loss is not hard to understand when you grasp that it is all about Chemistry….one last look.
The New Dinner Plate..Check Out the Portions!
~Too many calories consumed to energy out – fat is stored, weight is gained ..YUCK

~Less calories consumed to energy out – energy is burned, no fat is stored, weight is lost…YEAH
~Same amount of calories consumed to energy out – no weight is lost, Maintenance…This is ME…so YEAH
So, yes it is all about the chemistry for me...YIKES..that was a tough one in college...but now it all makes perfect sense for my Stay Healthy Life;)

Motivation of the Day: It's Starts with the Person in the Mirror
 My Workout of the Day:
Arc Interval Training: 30 minutes...YIKES..I really had to motivate myself today...did a no/no &   went to bed too late..BUT..Stayed TRUE to my Workout...LESSON LEARNED..Bed on time tonight!
This was Tough Today!
Body Work: repeated cycle 4x
Hamstring Curls 25 lbs @ 25 reps
Leg Extensions 25 lbs @ 25 reps
Low Ab work, Leg Lifts on Bench 25 reps
Modified Triceps Extensions 10lbs on bar @ 25reps 

My Meal 2
Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee, one cup please (needed it BIG TIME)
1-Post Workout Shake (gotta have my prune juice in it)
2-Sweet Potato with plain non-fat yogurt topping
3-2 Protein Balls (Vanilla Whey, Flax, Cinnamon, Raisin) YUM!!!
4-Grilled white fish with lots of grilled veggies
5-Protein Pudding
My Sunday Night Spontaneous Splurge...It was FABULOUS!
Splurge Report: Hubby & I made a Margarita Pizza on a thin crust Boboli, used low fat Italian cheese blend, fresh basil, roma tomatoes, olive oil, and minced garlic (YUM)!!! I had 2 slices. Our dessert...Low fat butter pecan ice cream with chocolate grahm crackers.  We were out all day and instead of stopping at a pizza place, we made our own...It was a spontaneous unplanned splurge...I never plan as I shared before and everything is better when I make it myself!!! 

I am SERIOUS about Spreading the Stay Healthy Life!
Stay Healthy!


I Paid 97 cents for this FABULOUS Melon
Really I am…..what am I trying to say about myself…really Darla.  It is all positive…yep…this negative girl is positive about my negative self.  YIKES…But do I have your attention?  If you talk to my clients, they will surely tell you that I am a negative person too….even my hubby will let me know that.  I say YAHOO…love it.  What is all the negative hoopla that helps me be the person I am right here right now.  Well…I work my muscles using negative movements & it makes me a strong girl.  When I really want to focus & concentrate on feeling my muscles really firing, I work them slowly with the resistance.  For example, today I performed hamstring curls and instead of focusing the weights up, heels to the bootie (this is a positive move), I brought the weight up initially with a positive move, held at the top, and began to lower the weight slowly, breathing the whole time….the slower…the better…the muscles love it, and talk about burn baby burn…WOW…my backside already is feeling the fatigue.  This is another way I maintain the muscle I have worked so hard for….yes, remember I am in maintenance mode.  Being negative puts a different spin on my workouts, and I am constantly changing things up to confuse the heck out of myself…lol.  No, really, I love the feeling of controlling the weights during a negative move…it is a whole different program.  Being negative allows me to do so much with modification as well…so it is a win win for me.  If you have read my “About Me” and have been following my Blog…you are aware of my limitations and the modifications I need to implement to maintain my physical self.  What do I say about that…RIGHT ON!!!!  Another favorite negative move for me is my pull up.  I no longer pull against gravity (meaning a positive from the floor and up & over the bar) but I start from the top of the bar and slowly lower myself to an extension.  This is also a great way for a beginner to gain strength to build up the ability to do a full-on positive pull up.  Every exercise can be done in a negative way….so when I want to be a negative person….I will BRING IT…but it is really all POSITIVE…because that is who I am… a negatively positive person who Loves to share my fun self with you!


My Workout of the Day:

My French Press Station

ARC Trainer for 20 Minutes (strength Interval)

Bodywork (repeated cycle 3x)
Leg Extensions 25lbs @ 25reps
Negative Ham Curls 25lbs @ 25reps
BOSU ABS 30 reps
Modified Smith Triceps Press 15lbs on bar @ 25 reps

My Nutrition of the Day:

Coffee, 1 ½ cups (oops)
1-Post Workout Shake (The Works!!!)
2-Egg Whites on Sprouted Bread (On a Kick)
3-Protein Ball & Fistful of Blueberries with splash of Vanilla Soy on top
4-Lean Burger Patty wrapped in lettuce (Watch the Video)
5-Protein Pudding (vanilla whey with banana…YUM)

Splurge Report: My Fabulous Friend & Client Meighan baked homemade cinnamon rolls with a cream cheese frosting & brought me a portion size wonderfully delicious!!! Thanks Megs and worth the splurge...I ONLY EAT QUALITY!!!

Personal Memorial Day Share:  I conducted a Stay Healthy Fitness Bootcamp for models attending the Vista de Vintage fashion show and to support Courage to Be You!!! What a wonderful Stay Healthy time we had! I will be blogging about my bootcamps very soon;)

Post Workout Sweat is ON!!!!