Peri-menopause, Pre-menopause, Menopause, and the crap of Hormone Imbalance…. Let's talk about it....
OK ladies (and gentlemen), feeling tired and I mean TIRED, flat, depressed, moody, just not yourself, not sleeping, unmotivated, no life drive and for crying out loud No Sex Drive, dry vaginas (get over the word people…it is a body part), unable to feel about really anything, and for that matter do not feel like doing anything, having night sweats…those unbelievable soak your clothes and sheets….and now I have to get up and I might as well sleep nude, and you wish it was for reasons other than this, craving sugar, walking around in a haze, really having a hard time understanding why you just do not feel the way you used to, feeling like you went to bed one night and woke up a whole different person that just does not feel good. Well….guess what…..YOU DID.
Hormone imbalance is real and a bitter sweet transition of life that hits generally between ages 30-50. This is where we and yes that includes myself as an almost 45 year woman, need to take control of what is happening and continue on the road to being the best we can be with what we have. Being your own health care advocate is imperative all the time and especially when making decisions on HRT (hormone replacement therapy). This has been quite the buzz lately on talk shows and in mainstream medicine for several years. The function of ALL hormones in your body depends on the balance of the other, so the “steroid hormones” directly affect the “sex hormones” and visa versa. The brain is the master switch controlling and regulating hormone levels and specifically coming from the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. Hormone levels can be affected by damage to the glands, a genetic glitch, receiving mixed messages by the body, or simply wearing out due to the aging process (the last one is usually the BIG culprit to what we refer to “THE CHANGE”). It is very important to realize that all of us are unique in our hormonal makeups and what is “normal” to one may not be “normal” to another. Who better to know your body than YOU? This is why we need to become educated on this very important subject BEFORE age 30 in my opinion, in order to be prepared to make very educated decisions with continuing to have a GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE for the rest of our lives.
Why this subject on the fitness blog…..because who feels like working out or eating right when you have the symptoms described in the first paragraph. So that being said, know the tests to ask for when you make that doctor’s appointment….here are a few…
FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone
TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
It is also important to love yourself enough to walk out of a physician’s office when you are disenchanted with what they say and their only solution is to offer up the birth control pill. Love yourself enough to research your options and KNOW what is out there to get you on the road to feeling good without risking your overall health.
I hope this article will spur you on to pick up a few books to read to GET HEALTHY and STA
Y HORMONALLY HEALTHY. One of my favorite authors on the subject and pioneer in this field is Dr. Christiane Northrup. Do not waste another day wondering if it is just “YOU”, but take this day to seek out the quality of life you DESERVE….Yes…that is right. Taking care of yourself is never about being selfish but truly caring enough about yourself to know that you are worth having the best life for the rest of your life. You, your spouse, partner, children, family, and friends will be glad you did.
Stay Healthy
OK ladies (and gentlemen), feeling tired and I mean TIRED, flat, depressed, moody, just not yourself, not sleeping, unmotivated, no life drive and for crying out loud No Sex Drive, dry vaginas (get over the word people…it is a body part), unable to feel about really anything, and for that matter do not feel like doing anything, having night sweats…those unbelievable soak your clothes and sheets….and now I have to get up and I might as well sleep nude, and you wish it was for reasons other than this, craving sugar, walking around in a haze, really having a hard time understanding why you just do not feel the way you used to, feeling like you went to bed one night and woke up a whole different person that just does not feel good. Well….guess what…..YOU DID.

Hormone imbalance is real and a bitter sweet transition of life that hits generally between ages 30-50. This is where we and yes that includes myself as an almost 45 year woman, need to take control of what is happening and continue on the road to being the best we can be with what we have. Being your own health care advocate is imperative all the time and especially when making decisions on HRT (hormone replacement therapy). This has been quite the buzz lately on talk shows and in mainstream medicine for several years. The function of ALL hormones in your body depends on the balance of the other, so the “steroid hormones” directly affect the “sex hormones” and visa versa. The brain is the master switch controlling and regulating hormone levels and specifically coming from the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. Hormone levels can be affected by damage to the glands, a genetic glitch, receiving mixed messages by the body, or simply wearing out due to the aging process (the last one is usually the BIG culprit to what we refer to “THE CHANGE”). It is very important to realize that all of us are unique in our hormonal makeups and what is “normal” to one may not be “normal” to another. Who better to know your body than YOU? This is why we need to become educated on this very important subject BEFORE age 30 in my opinion, in order to be prepared to make very educated decisions with continuing to have a GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE for the rest of our lives.

FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone
TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
It is also important to love yourself enough to walk out of a physician’s office when you are disenchanted with what they say and their only solution is to offer up the birth control pill. Love yourself enough to research your options and KNOW what is out there to get you on the road to feeling good without risking your overall health.
I hope this article will spur you on to pick up a few books to read to GET HEALTHY and STA

Stay Healthy

A helpful link http://www.bodylogicmd.com/hormone-library