I have to be honest...this morning was not my best. I woke later than I wanted which put me behind on my "ME" time....that means my workout, meditation, etc...those very important things that start my day off right...did not happen in the way I wanted them to. Also, cycle day 2...NO FUN...I am sure the ladies can relate...anxiety and overall feeling "not good" increased times 100. I barely had time to down my morning cup. Things to do and time seemed huge, overwhelming, & not enough time to prepare for my day, and well myself...forget it...I was frustrated :/ This is NOT a Darla place...I am a positive person who grabs onto the philosophy of "DO NOT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF" 99.9% of the time. I have been through much in my life's journey and having a hiccup in my routine was going to rob me of the GOOD stuff that I am all about? Really? My attitude to change was a choice I had to make....was I going to continue to be dragged down, be frustrated, & completely ridiculous...because when I think back about this morning...That is what it was. NO...I handled it this way...RE-ADJUSTMENT...I had 35 minutes to complete a workout instead of my hour. Today was my long distance cardio which I so love BUT ts not for me today....AND....that had to be OK. ARC trainer interval was my BEST and closest choice to not only burn more calories but at least complete some cardio. I could have just said to myself...FORGET IT...not doing what I was scheduled or planned, so what's the use...BUT THAT MY FRIENDS IS NOTHING BUT AN EXCUSE. It is important to do the best you can with what you have at the moment. So, my gears shifted and I DID complete my 35 minutes of interval cardio...and the reduction of time made me challenge myself harder to get the MOST bang for my MINUTES. YES...I panted like a dog running on the beach and sweat was dripping enough to burn my eyes. Towel Please! Man....I feel so much BETTER!!!!
Coffee this morning before Cardio
Fruit Yogurt Whey Protein Shake Post Cardio
Now...I have been absolutely loving my Oatmeal Raisin Vanilla Whey Protein Balls. In between clients, a quick run into the kitchen to throw one together to have for Meal 2 along with my Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges. Another Darla share....I LOVE sweet Potatoes and have one everyday.
My kick this week is to microwave a medium sweet potato, carefully cut into steak fry wedges, throw into a brown paper lunch bag that I have filled with my fav spices including a dash of cinnamon, place on a plate to enjoy. I modified the Protein balls even more today by eliminating the oats, and using just the flax meal since I was getting enough fibrous carbs in the potato. I used 1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Powder, 1 tbsp natural almond butter, 1 tsp cinnamon, handful of raisins, 1 tbsp flax meal, & just enough water to moisten to form into a large ball. Place all the ingredients in a bowl, mix until it all sticks together, roll into a ball....and ENJOY!Meal 2 DONE!!!!
Just the Fries Today I Modified These Today as Above

Stay Healthy!